Streamline Your Testing Workflow with OctoPerf Integrations

OctoPerf enhances your team’s testing workflows through robust integrations, allowing for a seamless performance testing experience that provides insights and value for developers and testers alike.

Integrate your testing with APM leaders, CI/CD tools, messaging solutions, Jira, and Playwright browser testing to blend your technical environments and ensure your applications meet the highest standards of performance and reliability.

Gain Insightful Observations on Performance with APM Tools

OctoPerf's monitoring and integrations are included in every plan from free to unlimited testing.


Application Performance Management

OctoPerf integrates with all major Application Performance Management services.


Live External Monitoring

OctoPerf's External Live Reporting section allows you to send metrics from your load tests to a third-party database of your own. This way you can easily integrate OctoPerf metrics within your own stack.


In-House Monitoring

Monitoring the infrastructure while running a load test provides invaluable information about what's happening server side. Octoperf supports monitoring a variety of web servers, application servers, databases, operating systems and more with its own monitoring engine.

Elevate Your Testing Game

Join leading enterprises transforming their JMeter™ testing strategies with OctoPerf.

Featured Integrations

Automate Your Testing Pipeline with CI Tools

CI automates the build and testing process, allowing for early detection of conflicts, bugs and compatibility issues. With CI, your software is always in a state that can be deployed to production, saving you the time and effort of late-stage corrections.

Octoperf integrates with Jenkins and any Maven compatible CI/CD server: Gitlab CI, Azure DevOps, Bamboo, Circle CI, TeamCity and more, so you can automate with no limitations.

Featured CI Integration: Jenkins

  • Run Octoperf load tests directly from Jenkins with the Octoperf Jenkins Plugin
  • Fetch statistics during test run for the build console
  • Get JUnit reports for the build
  • Get JMeter logs for the build
  • See performance trend reports and test health over time
Learn More
Jenkins Integration Overview Jenkins Integration Overview
Jenkins Integration Overview Jenkins Integration Overview
Jenkins Integration Overview Jenkins Integration Overview
Microsoft Teams
OctoPerf Rocket

Instant and Custom Alerts

Real-Time Notifications: Stay on top of your load and performance tests with alerts sent to your preferred alerting dashboards, instantly. With integrations directly into Slack, Teams, email, or HTTP, you can focus on your next task while your tests are running. Configure your alerts for test outcomes, thresholds, or anomalies to keep up with your performance testing in real-time.

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JIRA Notification JIRA Notification
Create JIRA Notification Dialog Create JIRA Notification Dialog
Jira Logo

Seamless Jira Integration

Simplify Issue Tracking: Add OctoPerf performance testing results directly into your Jira Issue Tracking. With this integration, you can automate tickets based on what performance issues matter the most such as test failures, error counts, and performance regressions. With OctoPerf and Jira working side by side, streamline your feedback loop and issue resolution processes for all of your performance tests in real-time.

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Browser Testing with Playwright

OctoPerf brings you more performance and load-testing options with its Playwright integration. Add browser-based tests to your toolbelt and conduct more thorough tests on websites and applications with real browser interactions. Understand your end-user experience while your application is under heavy stress conditions at peak traffic times to help you make informed decisions for better optimizations.

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OctoPerf Plus

Continuously optimize and monitor your code and applications with CI and APM integrations.

Increase Efficiency

Automate load test execution to identify bottlenecks early and reduce manual errors.

Increase Quality

Get immediate feedback for quick adjustments and meet performance testing goals.

Increase Insights

See how your applications perform under various conditions to optimize the user experience.

Increase User Satisfaction

Gain a deep understanding of your application’s behavior.

Increase Developer Satisfaction

Encourage agility and implement DevOps and GitOps best practices.

Explore How You Can Benefit from Automation and Observability of Your Load Tests

Integrate and Elevate Your Testing

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