
GREENSPECTOR is the editor of the only quality solution dedicated to the efficiency of mobile applications and connected devices.

The GREENSPECTOR suite helps business managers to meet their digital goals. It is used by the most demanding companies in terms of mobility, in order to improve their mobile services either for their end users (banks, insurance, media…) or for their own employees (military, transports, logistics, energy & utilities…).

The tool brings new insights thanks to its ability to measure and diagnose in a non-intrusive way, independent of the underlying technologies. GREENSPECTOR can be used along manual testing, automated testing in continuous integration, or operated by the publisher.

The solution includes an exclusive test bench consisting of real devices, accessible in cloud mode or installed on-premises. The new KPIs allow the digital factory to master the efficiency and performance of its applications, which reduces the risk of failures, extends the autonomy of the devices and improves user experience.

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